How To Install Flash Player on Kali Linux (Two Methods)

This is a small guide with instructions that users can copy paste and make Flash work in their Kali Linux. Copy paste supported instruction to make life simpler.
There’s two different ways you can install flash in Kali Linux:
  1. Install Flash from Repository
  2. Install Flash Manually

The First Method: Install Flash from Repository

In the terminal:
@ apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
@ update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
That’s it. You flash should be working as expected. Go to testing section at the bottom on this post to confirm installation.

Second Method: Install Flash Manually

In case you tried Choice 1 and failed, try this steps below to install and activate Flash manually.

Step 1: Download the latest Flash Player archive

Download link =
(Note: Choose Version to download tar.gz for other Linux)

Step 2: Untar archive and install

cd Downloads/
tar -xf ...
cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

That’s it. Those who failed at choise 1, should be able to do this fairly easily. Now move on to ttesting to confirm flash is working as expected.


First of all, close your browser and re-open.
Many users actually forgets to do this step and later complains Flash ain’t working.
My advise is to bookmark this site to be able to reopen these instructions quickly, or simply copy these into a leafpad/vi/text file.
Go to following website to test if you have Flash player:

Now that you have Flash, follow this guide guide to enable Java support for your browser in Kali Linux How to Install Java JDK in Kali Linux.
Thanks for reading. Please share.


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