Kali Linux Dual Boot with Windows

This article is a step-by-step guide on how to dual-boot Windows and Kali Linux on a single HARD DISK DRIVE (HDD). Kali Linux is what used to be BackTrack Linux, a distribution designed for penetration testing and security professionals. It ships with about 300 penetration testing and hacking applications installed.
While BackTrack is based on Ubuntu, Kali Linux is based on Debian, and uses the complete Debian Installer. As a result, the installation process is different from that of BackTrack, which uses Ubuntu’s graphical installation program.
Install Kali Linux: The best option to select on Kali Linux’s boot menu is Graphical Install. It gives you a point-and-click installation process. Install works just as well, but the interface is ncurses-based.1) For installing Kali Linux, the following partitions will be created: /, /home, and Swap. In that order. The /home partition is optional. At the disk partitioning methods step of the installation process, you get a bunch of options. Because none of the guided options will create a separate /boot partition, creating the partitions will have to be done manually. So select “Manual” and click Continue.2) You can see the existing Windows partitions, both of which are primary partitions. The free space, reclaimed from Windows in the previous step is what will be used for creating the partitions for Kali Linux. To start creating the partitions, select the free space and click Continue.
3) Create a new partition. Continue.
This shows the total amount of disk space
available for Kali Linux. The /boot partition will be created first, so you need to specify the amount of disk space for it ....... watch this video, you'll understand.

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