For those of who you don't know as of late there has been alot of keylogging and stealing going on. Most of the people who have been hit swear up and down that they didn't download anything and that they don't share their accounts or passwords.
The people doing the scamming are simple and most times are very stupid yet the way they are going about doing it is very effective.
There are two methods I have seen being used as of late,
1. Asking to watch someone race or asking to work on a computer through Team Viewer.
They will come at your very friendly and will offer to help your computer run better or to watch you race to help tune your car.
2. Calling someone out for cheating and asking to watch you race through Team Viewer.
They will call you out in public and use multiple accounts to harass you and make you feel like you need to prove something to them to prove your innocence.
Either way they go about it the outcome will be the same unless you take these simple easy steps to protect yourself. What most people don't know about team viewer is it not only allows you to watch someones computer, but it also gives you the ability to take over their pc and to move files to and from their computer.
When you connect with someone you are in fact giving them permission to do just that. With the ability to move files they can keylogg or search for files that may contain your passwords.
The following is the steps you need to take to ensure you are safe when using Team Viewer.